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  • Writer's pictureCarter Darper

Google RISE program - “Girls in ICT”

iLab’s Girls in ICT program

•Is meant mainly for girls in high school or those who have recently left high school/starting university.

•Is free to participants.

•You can take one or more courses.

•Lasts June- August.

•Even has an international element to it – with Ugandan, Kenyan and South African collaboration!

The different trainings offered are:

•Mastering the Internet.

•Introduction to Social media.

•Introduction to Python Programming.

•Intermediate Python Programming.

The ICT for girls at iLab started with a two days ICT Careers workshop with over 40 (forty) beautiful ladies in attendance. Two representatives from Google (Roxanna and Nana) were there to speak to the ladies and you know what?.... the ladies were indeed motivated.

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